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Supporting Bedford Society Scholarships

Supporting Bedford Society Scholarships

Support the Bedford College legacy and future generations through the Bedford Society Scholarships Fund

Now, more than ever, academically gifted students may rethink plans to go to university due to financial difficulties. The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent cost of living crisis have had an impact on family incomes and part-time work to fund study has become hard to secure. Will you consider contributing towards Bedford Society Scholarships so talented students can continue to pursue their aspirations?


Emese's story

"In 2018 I was given the greatest gift, a Bedford Society Scholarship. The scholarship generously contributed to my tuition fees for my MSc in Forensic Psychology at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, enabling me to focus on my studies with fewer financial concerns. I am so grateful to those who choose to support something as valuable as this; it was a turning point in my professional life.

"The Bedford Society Scholarship also offered so much more than financial support. I benefited from the expertise of Bedfordians, including advice on my PhD proposal, and I receive personalised mentoring as a recent PhD researcher. Belonging to such a unique, value-based community is inspiring and it is a privilege to help the Bedford College name live on as a Bedford Society Scholar.

"I am currently a PhD researcher in the School of Law and Social Sciences at the College, where I am investigating help-seeking behaviour from Non-Governmental Organisations in cases of human trafficking pertaining to sexual exploitation. I work with victims of human trafficking and human cruelty at the Helen Bamber Foundation part-time as an Assistant Psychologist, I am a Junior Research Fellow at the Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking and a mentor for victims of human trafficking at the Salvation Army. I aspire to make a difference to the world and I would not have been able to do this without my Bedford Society Scholarship."

Emese Szász (Bedford Society Scholar 2018/19), current PhD researcher at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College


Make a gift

If you are able to, please consider making a gift so that other students can benefit from the same profound experience Emese and other Bedford Society Scholars have shared. You can make a donation online here and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact


Legacy giving – a lasting impact

If you are not in a position to make a financial gift in your lifetime but would still like to support Bedford Society Scholarships, you may wish to consider leaving a gift in your Will. A legacy gift, of any size, is a wonderful way of commemorating your connection to Bedford College and will provide a vital source of financial support for future generations. Legacy giving is also a way to reduce the inheritance tax due on your estate. For more information, please email



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