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The Marketors' Mentoring Programme at Royal Holloway

The Marketors' Mentoring Programme at Royal Holloway

Step into a career in marketing with The Marketors' Mentoring Programme, delivered in partnership between The Worshipful Company of Marketors and the School of Business and Management.


A new partnership has been forged between the School of Business and Management and The Worshipful Company of Marketors, to bring the very successful Marketors’ Mentoring Programme to students at the School of Business and Management at Royal Holloway. 

Launched on National Mentoring Day 2023, the scheme provides a wonderful opportunity for students to get a step ahead as they prepare to embark on their marketing career journey. With the launch of this partnership, the School of Business and Management at Royal Holloway has joined an exclusive group of universities working in conjunction with The Worshipful Company of Marketors. 


Details of the scheme

The purpose of this Mentoring Programme is to help talented individuals – especially those interested in a career in marketing – to develop their understanding about marketing careers. It offers a high-level, confidential mentoring service to students, to aid their marketing career path decision-making, and improve their job search approach and application skills. 

Georgina Lindsay, Careers Consultant for the School of Business and Management, said of the opportunity: “Mentoring is the key to unlocking potential life changing conversations for mentees who are making important career choices. The benefits are enormous; from being helped to identify and achieve career goals, to increasing confidence and developing a broader perspective on career options. I’m excited to see School of Business and Management students benefit from such insightful conversations from experts in the Marketing field.”

Those selected will be carefully matched with a highly qualified marketing professional (a member of the WCM). They  will then help guide the selected students to prepare for their transition into the world of work, ready to embark on a successful career in marketing. The panel consists of marketing professionals who are not only accomplished in marketing, but are passionate about attracting new talent into the marketing industry. They are experienced mentors, and know the positive impact that career mentoring can bring.

Students interested in applying for a place on the ‘Marketors’ Mentoring Programme: Step ahead into a marketing career’ at the School of Business & Management, supported by the Worshipful Company of Marketors – the City Livery Company for Marketing - are asked to complete a short application form available here: Application Form 

Dr Lucy Gill-Simmen, the Vice-Dean for Education & Student Experience in the School of Business and Management, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, and the internal liaison in the School for the mentoring programme, had this to say about the opportunity: “I am absolutely delighted to be working with, and to be championing this mentoring scheme with WCM. To offer our students such a unique opportunity to benefit from the guidance of such high-calibre Marketing professionals and to tap into their expertise is a gift. This is just the beginning, and I am so excited to see where this leads our students as they set out on their journeys to landing their dream job.”

Key dates

The programme will launch as a pilot starting with applications being received in November 2023. Student and Mentor matching will take place in December 2023, with mentoring sessions starting in January 2024 and completing by June 2024. Mentees on the programme will benefit from either 6x1 hour, 1:1 sessions, and/or a series of group sessions. The goal is to make the programme as inclusive as possible, however the programme is starting with a small pool of mentors and will build from there.

Should applicants be unsuccessful in their application for a 1:1 marketing mentor, help will still be available to them. A small series of group sessions on a set of marketing career topics will be scheduled to supplement the programme.

Support for the Mentorship Programme

The Marketors’ Mentoring Programme is just one of the many offerings available at Royal Holloway to support students on career planning and employability, and has received support from across the university, from the Marketors themselves and beyond.  

Professor Julie Sanders, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, offered support to the scheme, saying: “We are committed to our students at Royal Holloway acquiring the skills they need to give them choice and opportunity now and into the future. This mentoring scheme is a wonderful example of this idea in action.”

Jarmila Yu, alumna and Chair of the Royal Holloway, University of London, Advisory Board at the School of Business and Management, is the external liaison for the Marketors’ Mentoring Programme. She is a Freeman and serves on the Marketors’ Mentoring Committee of The Worshipful Company of Marketors and said this of the news: “Having seen the ongoing success of the Marketors’ Mentoring Programme, I am simply thrilled to be able to now bring it to Royal Holloway. This mentoring programme is deeply meaningful not only as a way for the marketing profession to better support and attract new talent into the industry, but also to bring additional personal fulfilment, satisfaction and success to both the mentee and mentor. Royal Holloway continues to inspire students into the marketing profession but it’s often hard to break into an industry going straight out of education. This programme is a valuable way members at the WCM play an important role in helping the new generation of marketers embark on successful careers in marketing.” 

Speaking on behalf of the Worshipful Company of Marketors Peter Rosenvinge, Court Assistant and Chair of the Mentoring Committee, had this to say at the launch of the scheme: “I am very proud of my fellow Marketors’ commitment to seek ways to support the integrity of the marketing profession, and in particular to find ways to contribute towards attracting talent into the industry, which strengthens our legacy. I am delighted that we are able to add Royal Holloway School of Business and Management to the select group of education institutions that we support by providing mentors. The generosity of our mentors to give back goes right to the heart of why the Marketors exist.”

Chelsey Baker, Chief Executive and Founder National Mentoring Day, added: “Providing access to marketing professionals who can share their journey and industry wisdom with students is an invaluable source of guidance and inspiration at this vital stage in their learning. Having a mentor who's been there already can have a hugely positive impact on a student's career and confidence, greatly improving their emotional and academic outcomes. I am delighted to see this programme launching on National Mentoring Day and thank the Worshipful Company of Marketors for championing career mentoring and Royal Holloway, University of London, for recognising the importance and value of mentorship. Mentoring provides a safe space for talent to be unlocked, nurtured and for impossibilities to become possible!


To apply for a place on the programme fill out the form here: Application Form 


For more information about the Worshipful Company of Marketors please visit their website. 

Meet the Mentors

These are the current Marketors who are kindly volunteering their time to support the Marketors’ Mentoring Programme for the School of Business and Management at Royal Holloway, University of London: 



A briefing and Q&A Session was held on 8 November, open to all students interested in the programme.

For anyone interested but unable to attend the session, a slide deck containing information shared during the session is available here.

Questions and Answers:

Who decides the content of the mentoring discussions, is there a structure to them?

The sessions will be led by the mentee (student) and should be based on the needs and topics you raise. Together with the mentor, you should agree the related topics to discuss and what issues you are interested in working through.  

What is the format of the 1:many mentoring sessions if you don’t get a 1:1?

The one to many mentoring sessions will be based on common topics and issues that come up during the 1:1 sessions, as these will be subjects that are common to all mentees. However, there will also be opportunities for sessions to be led by the students, responding to your needs. 

What is the commitment? 

Similar to your studies at University, the expectation is that you will "show up, lean in and do the work". There is a commitment on both sides, from mentor and mentee. The WCM Mentoring Handbook is a must read by both mentor and mentee - it's an aid to understand the expectations of, and for, both parties involved in the mentoring. It's guidance can provide the key to ensure both parties unlock the immense value that mentoring offers both mentor and mentee. 

Download a copy of the WCM Mentoring Handbook here

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