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Workshop on “Global health, environment and labour”

Workshop on “Global health, environment and labour”

  • Date13 June 2022

June 30th to July 1st 2022 at Royal Holloway, University of London Conference venue: Shilling seminar room

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Please note that presentations should be timed to last 25 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion (overall speaker time budget: 35 minutes)

Presentations in the young economists sessions should aim for 10-15 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes discussion (overall speaker time budget: 20 minutes)


Thursday, June 30th

9.30-10.00: Coffee and welcome

Session 1 - Subjective expectations, norms and health behaviour

For Better or Worse? Subjective Expectations and Cost-Benefit Trade-Offs in Health Behaviour: An Application to Lockdown Compliance in the UK
Gabriella Conti*, Pamela Giustinelli

Subjective expectations and the demand for contraception
Grant Miller, Aureo de Paula, Christine Valente

Breastfeeding norms and public health recommendations
Bastien Chabe Ferret, Emilia del Bono, Birgitta Rabe

Equal before luck? Well-being consequences of personal deprivation in planned and free-market economies
Joan Costa-Font , Anna Nicinska, Melcior Rossello-Roig

12.20-13.20: Lunch

13.20-15.40: Session 2 – Labour markets and development

The interaction of public and private sector employment in least developed countries
Juan Pablo Rud, Ija Trapeznikova          

Wildfires, Smoky Days and Labor Supply
Ron Chan, Martino Pelli, Veronica Vienne Arancibia

The contemporaneous economic benefits of community-wide health interventions: Evidence using administrative data from sugarcane fields in Southern Mozambique
Laia Cirera, Francisco Saute, Elisa Sicuri, Ranjeeta Thomas

Resource Windfalls and local labor markets: Evidence from Peru
Antonella Bancalari, Juan Pablo Rud

15.40-16.15: Coffee break

16.15-18.00: Session 3 – Early Life Health Environments

Long-Run Health and Mortality Effects of Exposure to Universal Health Care in Infancy
Melanie Luhrmann, Tanya Wilson         

The Long-term Effects of Hospital Deliveries
Martin Fischer, Martin Karlsson, Nicolaos Prodromidis

Saving Neonatal Lives for a Quarter
Christine Valente, Hans H. Sievertsen, Mahesh C. Puri

Departure outside of conference venue to dinner at Piccolino’s, Virginia Water
(We will be dining on the all-weather terrace, so maybe bring a cardigan just in case)

Friday, July 1st - morning

9.30-10.30: Young Economists session 1

Parental Beliefs, Perceived Health Risks and Time Investment in Children During Covid 19
Gabriella Conti, Michele Giannola, Alessandro Toppeta

Assortative Preferences and informal Care: Intergenerational transmission of Caregiving?
Joan Costa-Font, Nilesh Raut, Chiara Orsini

Uncovering Sources of Heterogeneity in the Effects of Maternal Smoking on Infants’ Health at Birth
Johanna Zenzes

10.30-10.45: Coffee

10.45-13.05: Session 4 – Health and Environment

The Long-term Effects of Early-Life Pollution Exposure: Evidence from the London Smog
Stephanie von Hinke, Emil Sorensen

Urban Air pollution and Sick Leaves: Evidence from Social Security Data
Felix Holub, Laura Hospido, Ulrich J. Wagner

Public service delivery and Free Riding: Experimental Evidence from India
Alex Armand, Britta Augsburg, Antonella Bancalari

Labour Market and Welfare dependency Effects of Endemics: The Case of Dengue Fever
Sonia Bhalotra, Gabriel Facchini, Aline Menezes, Rudi Rocha      

13.05-14.10: Lunch

Friday, July 1st – afternoon

14.10-15.10: Young Economists session 2

The Impact of Lead Pollution on Human Capital Formation: Dose Matters
Anthony Higney, Nicholas Hanley, Mirko Moro, Anne Gasteen

The Effects of Weather Shocks on Early Childhood Health in Guyana
Nichola Williams, Smiriti Sharma, Sara Maioli

The Impact of a Community Water Supply Program on Access to Safe Drinking Water
Daim Syukriyah

15.10-15.30: Coffee

15.30-17.15: Session 5 – Maternal and Childrens’ Mental Health

Does early school exposure protect children with maternal mental health issues?
Catia Nicodemo, Cheti Nicoletti, Joaquim Vidiella-Martin

Antidepressant use and academic achievement: Evidence from Danish administrative data
Sonia Bhalotra, Meltem Daysal, Nils Vestergard Lydikse, Mircea Trandafir

Economic Distress and Children’s Mental Health: Evidence from the Brazilian High Risk Cohort Study for Mental Conditions
Luiz Felipe Fontes*, Matias Mrejen, Beatriz Rache, Rudi Rocha

* Video presentations

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