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Diversity and Innovation Project Publish Phase I Report

Diversity and Innovation Project Publish Phase I Report

  • Date19 August 2019

The Diversity and Innovation Project in the Department of Law and Criminology have published their report on Phase I of their project. The aim of the project was to understand the ‘make-up’ of the our undergraduate students in terms of diversity and attainment and devise innovative teaching practices to cater for their differing needs.


Diversity and Innovation team members Dr Aislinn O’Connell, Dr Michelle Webster, Dr Rita D’Alton-Harrison (project lead), and Dr David Yuratich.

Please contact any member of the project team if you would like any further information, help or assistance.


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Betteney, M. (2015) ‘Exit Velocity: Is there truth in the commonly held belief that grades for undergraduate students tend to improve from Year 2 to Year 3? A Case Study’, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 6 (10).

Cousins, G., Hammond, N., Masterson, J., Sin, C., Dandridge, N., Rawat, S., Williams, J. (2008) Ethnicity, Gender and Degree Attainment Project: Final Report, Equality Challenge Unit and Higher Education Academy, Available at: [Accessed: December 2018]

Cousin, G., and Cuerton, D. (2012) Disparities in Student Attainment, York: Higher Education Academy, Available at: [Accessed: July 2019]

Cureton, D., and Gravestock, P. (2019) ‘We Belong: differential sense of belonging and its meaning for different ethnicity groups in higher education’, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12(1).

Dhillon, J. (2011) ‘Black minority ethnic students navigating their way from access courses to social work programmes: Key considerations for the selection of students’, British Journal of Social Work, 8: 1477-1496.

Duhs, R.M., Evans, J., Williams, P., Chaudhury, P. (2019) ‘The early impact of initiatives to close attainment gaps at UCL’ Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12(1).

Friedman, S., and Laurison, D. (2019) The Class Ceiling: Why it Pays to be Privileged, Bristol: Policy Press.

Higher Education Academy and Equality Challenge Unit (2011) Improving the Degree Attainment of Black and Minority Ethnic Students, London: ECU.

Equality Challenge Unit (2017) Equality in Higher Education: Students Statistical Report 2016, York: Advance HE.

Fielding, A., Charlton, C., Kounali, D. and Leckie, G. (2008) Degree Attainment, Ethnicity and Gender: Interactions and the Modifications of Effects – A Quantitative Analysis, York: Higher Education Academy.

McGregor, R. (2017) The Time for Talking is Over. Now is the Time to Act: Race in the Workplace. Available at: [Accessed: January 2019]

Miller, M. (2016) The Ethnicity Attainment Gap: Literature Review, Sheffield: University of Sheffield.

Singh, G. (2011) Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Students’ Participation in Higher Education: Improving Retention and Success: A Synthesis of Research Evidence, Coventry: Higher Education Academy.

Smith, J. (2009) Mature Students in Higher Education and Issues for Widening Participation, York: Evidence Net. Higher Education Academy.

Stevenson, J. (2012) ‘An exploration of the link between minority ethnic and white students’ degree attainment and views of their future “possible selves‟’, Higher Education Studies, 2(4): 103 – 113.

Struthers, D. (n.d.) Resources to Help Close the Attainment Gap, UCL Arena Centre for Research-Based Education, Available at: [Accessed: June 2019 ]

Thomas, L., Storan, J., Wylie, V., Berzins, K., Harley, P., Linley, R., Rawson, A. (2009) Widening Participation Strategic Assessments 2009, Available at: [Accessed: October 2018]

Universities Scotland (2010) Universities Scotland Race Equality Toolkit, Available at: [Accessed: December 2018]

Universities UK and National Union of Students (2019) Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Student Attainment at UK Universities: Closing the Gap, Available at: [Accessed: May 2019]


Background Reading

Barefoot, H., and Boons, C. (2019) ‘Developing a BME student advocate programme’, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12 (1)

Berry, J. and Loke, G. (2011) Improving the Degree Attainment of Black and Minority Ethnic Students, London: Equality Challenge Unit/Higher Education Academy.

Bhopal, K. and Jackson, J. (2013) The Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Academics: Multiple Identities and Career Progression. Southampton: Southampton University.

Broecke, S. and Nicholls, T. (2007) Ethnicity and Degree Attainment Research Report No. RW92, London: Department of Education and Skills

Cohen, G. and Sherman, D. (2013) ‘Deflecting the trajectory and changing narrative: How self-affirmation affects academic performance and motivation under identity threat’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(4): 591 – 618.

Education Endowment Foundation (2018) The Attainment Gap, Education Endowment Foundation and Sutton Trust.

Kingston University (2014) Developing an Institutional KPI for the BME Attainment Gap, London: Kingston University.

Liverpool John Moores University (n.d.) Internationalising the Curriculum: A Toolkit, Available at: [Accessed: July 2019]

National Union of Students (2009) Race for Equality, London: NUS

National Union of Students (2015) Race Matters: A Report on the Experiences of Black Students in Further and Higher Education, London: National Union of Students.

Stevenson, J. (2012) Black Minority and Ethnic Student Degree Retention and Attainment, York, Higher Education Academy.

University of Birmingham (2017) Equality Scheme 2016-2020 Advancing Equality, Valuing Diversity, Available at: [Accessed: December 2018]


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